Return this device and use the proper means of restoring your iBook G4 to factory settings. If your iBook's hard disk is failed then there is no magic software that will fix a broken hard disk. There's nothing short of a divine intervention that would fix a broken hard disk. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Apple iBook G4 software Install and Restore Software Disc Bundle Lot at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! To use any of these key combinations, press and hold the keys immediately after pressing the power button to turn on your Mac, or after your Mac begins to restart. Keep holding until the described behaviour occurs. Command (⌘)-R: Start up from the built-in macOS Recovery system. Or use Option-Command-R or Shift-Option-Command-R to start up. Released in October 2003, the iBook G4 replaced the iBook G3 as Apple's portable consumer computer. The iBook G4 was sold in 12' and 14' models and updated for the last time in 2005.

PC USER GIVEN 1ST APPLE PRODUCT: LOST NEEDS HELP!! I was given an Apple Ibook G4 model number A1134 as a gift recently although I have a little problem. Okay make that more like a medium sized, problem maybe even large. Issue is I dont have the password to the former owners user account. Model Number: A1134. Operating system.
Apple Ibook G4 Recovery Disk S Site -

I'm trying to boot from my Tiger install DVD using the usual method - holding down 'C' while pressing the power key. The DVD drive never even spins up. All I get is a gray screen with the apple - no spinning bars.
This occurred after the latest security update trashed all logins on the machine (G4 iBook, 512 MB RAM, 80 GB HD, 10.4.9) Immediately after entering a user password, loginwindow would crash, followed by mdimport, followed by crashserver ⚠ I could briefly boot using command-S, but that stopped working (blue screen).
I then booted of the Tiger DVD, ran Disk Utility, Hardware Profiler, and used terminal to do 'nvram boot-args='-v'. Disk utility showed no permission or disk problems, and the profiler showed everything was there that was supposed to be there.
Next, I did an archive-and-install. The Tiger DVD passed its verification, the installation appeared to proceed normally, the system rebooted at the end, and up came the gray screen.
All subsequent boots only came up as far as the gray screen. I reset the parameter ram (alt-command-p-r-power), waiting for three beeps. I then tried to boot off the DVD, and now the machine doesn't even spin the drive up.
Is there something I've missed? I do not have another mac to try Target mode. Any suggestions would be welcome!
Apple Ibook G4 Recovery Disk S Sites
white iBook G4, Mac OS X (10.4.9)
Apple Ibook G4 Recovery Disk S Site Download
Posted on Jun 8, 2007 5:18 PM