Tyndale NLT Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition, Personal Size (Hardcover) – New Living Translation Bible, Personal Sized Study Bible to Carry with you Every Day by Tyndale 4.8 out of 5 stars 350. Features of the Life Application Study Bible. This Study Bible offers a 365-day reading plan, a chronology of biblical and world events, an article on the time between the Old and New Testaments, a comparison of the gospels, listings of the parables and miracles of Jesus, an article on the messianic prophecies and their fulfillment. Vii List of the Books of the Bible ix Publisher’s Preface xi Epistle Dedicatory xiii Contributors xiv A Chronology of Bible Events and World Events xv Why the Life Application Study Bible Is Unique xvii What Is Application? Xix Features of the Life Application Study Bible 1 The Old Testament 548 A Harmony of the Books of Kings and Chronicles. May 04, 2021 NLT Life Application Study Bible, Third Edition. Winner of the 2020 Christian Book Award for Bible of the Year! Now it has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights for understanding and applying God’s Word to everyday life in today’s world. With a fresh two-color interior design and meaningfully updated.
Chronological Life Application Study Bible
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Chronological Life Application Study Bible NLT
Author | : Tyndale House Publishers |
Release | : 2012-09-21 |
Editor | : Tyndale House Pub |
Pages | : 2168 |
ISBN | : 1414339275 |
Language | : en |
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The new four-color Bible combines the proven resources of the 'Life Application Study Bible' with a chronological format and several brand-new resources. The Bible is arranged in 10 chronological sections that help the reader to see how the various pieces of the Bible fit.
Chronological Life Application Study Bible KJV

Author | : Tyndale,Tyndale House Publishers |
Release | : 2013-10-01 |
Editor | : Tyndale House Pub |
Pages | : 2026 |
ISBN | : 1414380585 |
Language | : en |
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The Bible is the story of God's interaction with his creation. It is a story that occurs over time, in many places, and through many events. It includes the lives and lessons learned by many people from many cultures. It's often easy to lose sight of the way in which God's story fits together when our primary way of looking at the Bible is a bit here and a bit there.
Chronological Life Application Study Bible NLT
Author | : Tyndale House Publishers |
Release | : 2015-02-19 |
Editor | : Tyndale House Pub |
Pages | : 2168 |
ISBN | : 1414397046 |
Language | : en |
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The stunning full-color Chronological Life Application Study Bible is a refreshing way to experience God’s Story and a trusted way to apply it to life. Journey through the 10 eras of Bible history in a chronological Bible experience and gain a deeper understanding of God’s Word. Includes Life Application notes and features from the best-selling Life Application Study Bible as well as new features on Bible history and geography. Now available in a timeless black and onyx TuTone edition. The New Living Translation breathes life into even the most difficult-to-understand Bible passages, changing lives as the words speak directly to people’s hearts.
Life Application Study Bible Large Print
NLT Study Bible Tutone
Author | : Tyndale House Publishers |
Release | : 2008-09 |
Editor | : Tyndale House Pub |
Pages | : 2486 |
ISBN | : 1414324537 |
Language | : en |
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Introducing the NLT Study Bible. The product of over forty Bible scholars and seven years' work, it is the most comprehensive study Bible ever created. The notes focus on bringing out the full meaning of the text, allowing the reader to understand the Bible more deeply than ever. Features include 25,900 study notes (over 820,000 words), maps, charts, illustrations, a word-study system, and much more. Feature details: Ten section introductions provide an overview of the literature and history of each section of the Bible, showing how the books are related to each other and to the rest of Scripture. Theme articles and person profiles (406 total) highlight recurring ideas and describe the lives of those who inhabit the pages of scripture. Also includes 100 Greek and 100 Hebrew word studies, 100 quotations from modern and ancient writers, and words of Christ in red. Another unique feature is that further reading is recommended at the end of each book and section introduction.
Life Application Study Bible
Author | : Tyndale,Tyndale House Publishers |
Release | : 2004-09 |
Editor | : Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
Pages | : 2412 |
ISBN | : 9780842384933 |
Language | : en |
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Today's best-selling study Bible—the Life Application Study Bible—has been updated and expanded. Over 300 new Life Application notes, nearly 350 note revisions, 16 new personality profiles, updated charts, and a Christian Worker's Resource make today's number one selling study Bible even better. FEATURES: Over 300 new Life Application notes and significant revisions to nearly 350 others 16 new Personality Profiles Most charts revised to clarify meaning and importance, plus eight all-new charts New information on the intertestamental period Christian Worker's Resource, a special supplement to enhance the reader's ministry effectiveness, includes: How to Become a Believer, How to Follow Up with a New Believer, Mining the Treasures of the Life Application Study Bible, So You've Been Asked to Speak, and Taking the Step to Application
The One Year Bible NLT Tutone
Author | : Tyndale House Publishers |
Release | : 2004-09 |
Editor | : Tyndale House Pub |
Pages | : 1440 |
ISBN | : 1414301987 |
Language | : en |
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The One Year Bible, which helps customers read the entire Bible in one year in as little as 15 minutes a day, has a fresh, new look. The One Year Bible guides readers through God's Word with daily readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. The hardcover and TuTone editions include a FREE iLumina Gold Special Edition CD-ROM.
Life Application Study Bible Devotional
Author | : David R. Veerman |
Release | : 2011-08-25 |
Editor | : Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
Pages | : 400 |
ISBN | : 1414365942 |
Language | : en |
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Readers of the Life Application Study Bible—the #1 bestselling study Bible—will welcome the arrival of the new Life Application Study Bible Devotional. Let the life of Jesus sink into your mind and heart with 312 readings from the gospels—one for each weekday and one for the weekend. In the Life Application Study Bible Devotional: Daily Wisdom from Jesus, each week focuses on a different event in Jesus’ life—drawing out daily wisdom from his parables, teachings, conversations, miracles, and interactions with people. You’ll learn important biblical principles, become inspired to put God’s Word into practical action, and be forever changed by a year spent going deeper with your Savior.
Helpfinder Bible NLT God s Word at Your Point of Need

Author | : Tyndale House Publisher, Inc.,Tyndale |
Release | : 2018-10-23 |
Editor | : Unknown |
Pages | : 1568 |
ISBN | : 9781496422927 |
Language | : en |
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The HelpFinder Bible makes it easy for anyone, whether familiar with Scripture or not, to find help in the Bible for their immediate needs. Application notes connect the Bible's truths to today's issues, and the extensive index points readers to verses where answers can be discovered, issues resolved, and freedom found. The HelpFinder Bible is God's Word at your point of need. The HelpFinder Bible is eminently giftable, with distinctive packaging and an attractive price point that makes it perfect for any occasion.
Life Application New Testament Commentary
Author | : Bruce B. Barton,Livingstone |
Release | : 2001 |
Editor | : Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. |
Pages | : 1296 |
ISBN | : 9780842370660 |
Language | : en |
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Presents practical, concise insight on every verse in the New Testament, with suggestions for applying the Bible to everyday life.
The Berenstain Bears Stand Up to Bullying
Author | : Mike Berenstain |
Release | : 2018-08-07 |
Editor | : Zonderkidz |
Pages | : 24 |
ISBN | : 9780310764489 |
Language | : en |
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Young readers will learn about bullying in this addition to the Living Lights™ series of Berenstain Bears books. Children will understand how to handle bullies and identify that even bullies can be bullied. The Berenstain Bears Stand Up to Bullying—part of the popular Zonderkidz Living Lights™ series of books—is perfect for: Early readers, ages 4-8 Reading out loud at home or in classrooms A great resource to educate young children during National Bullying Prevention Month Beginning conversations about bullying and teaching children how to handle bullies The Berenstain Bears Stand Up to Bullying: Features the hand-drawn artwork of the Berenstain family Continues in the much-loved footsteps of Stan and Jan Berenstain with the Berenstain Bears series of books Is part of one of the bestselling children’s book series ever created, with more than 250 books published and nearly 300 million copies sold to date
The Chronological Study Bible NIV
Author | : Thomas Nelson Publishers |
Release | : 2014-04-14 |
Editor | : Nelson Bibles |
Pages | : 1640 |
ISBN | : 1401680119 |
Language | : en |
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The Chronological Study Bible presents the text of the New International Version in chronological order - the order in which the events actually happened - with notes, articles, and full-color graphics that connect the reader to the history and culture of Bible times and gives the reader a dramatic, 'you are there' experience. Features include full-color illustrations of places, artifacts, and cultural phenomena, contextual articles that connect Biblical times and world history and culture, daily life notes, time panels and charts that show the flow of Biblical history, and in-text and full-color maps. Part of the Signature Series line of Thomas Nelson Bibles Chronological Study Bibles sold to date: More than 400,000 Thomas Nelson Bibles is a proud supporter of World Vision in eradicating poverty and preventable deaths among children. Learn more and discover what you can do at www.seegodswordinaction.com.
CSB Christ Chronological
Author | : CSB Bibles by Holman |
Release | : 2017-11 |
Editor | : B&H Publishing Group |
Pages | : 144 |
ISBN | : 9781433646034 |
Language | : en |
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The CSB Christ Chronological provides readers with a unique way to experience the life of Christ by presenting all 4 Gospels of the Bible and the Book of Acts in parallel page layout and color-coded format, detailing the life of Christ in Chronological order.
The Chronological Life of Christ
Author | : Mark E. Moore |
Release | : 2007 |
Editor | : College Press |
Pages | : 704 |
ISBN | : 0899009557 |
Language | : en |
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'...not much has changed since Jesus gathered dust in the soles of his sandals on Palestinian soil. He is still the buzz at barber shops and corner cafes. He is still talked about and against. He pricks our curiosity, sparks our imagination, and even earns our ire. Who is he, really? You know he's no politician, but he still transforms nations. He's no social activist, but he is the genesis of who knows how many hospitals, orphanages, and innumerable acts of kindness. A psychotherapist? Hardly. But how many of us 'Humpty Dumpties' has he put back together again?! This peasant carpenter has built himself a kingdom immeasurably greater than his earthly enemies could have imagined. What are we to make of him? Please accept my deepest apologies right up front, for this book will not help answer that question. However, it may help answer this one: What is this man to make of me?'
The Gift of the Magi
Author | : O. Henry |
Release | : 2009-06-01 |
Editor | : The Floating Press |
Pages | : 10 |
ISBN | : 9781775416005 |
Language | : en |
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The Gift of the Magi is a treasured short story written by O. Henry. A young and very much in love couple can barely afford their one-room apartment, let alone the extra expense of getting Christmas presents for one another. But each is determined to show their love for the other in this traditional time of giving; each sells a thing they hold most dear in order to afford a present, with poignant and touching results that capture their love for one another.
The Reese Chronological Bible

Author | : Edward Reese,Frank R. Klassen |
Release | : 1980-12-01 |
Editor | : Bethany House Publishers |
Pages | : 1640 |
ISBN | : 0871231158 |
Language | : en |
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The Bible which places all events in the order in which they actually occurredThe Authorized King James VersionEndorsed by Christian leaders of many denominations
Every Man s Bible
Author | : Stephen Arterburn |
Release | : 2018-05-08 |
Editor | : Unknown |
Pages | : 1824 |
ISBN | : 9781496433602 |
Language | : en |
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The Bible for every battle every man faces! This is a man's type of Bible--straight talk about the challenges of life. Every Man's Bible has thousands of notes on topics from work, sex, and competition to integrity and more and trusted advice from the pros, just for men. Every Man's Bible is written by the best-selling author of the Every Man's series, Steve Arterburn. Features: New Living Translation text Book introductions and 44 charts Study Notes Help you gain a better perspective on a particular verse or passage Men, Women, and God--This feature focuses on two of the most important relationships in every man's life: his relationship with God and his relationships with women Someone You Should Know--Profiles of men in the Bible and what their lives can teach us about the importance of faith in our own lives What the Bible Says About--Gives insight into the Bible's vital message on all kinds of topics for daily living Perspectives--Glean bits of information from great men who have lived through many of the same issues and struggles that you face Personal Gold--Sound advice from the pros: Henry Blackaby, Stuart Briscoe, Tony Evans, David Jeremiah, Gordon MacDonald, Bill McCartney, J. I. Packer, Joseph Stowell, and Chuck Swindoll
NIV Integrated Study Bible
Author | : John R. Kohlenberger, III |
Release | : 2013 |
Editor | : Unknown |
Pages | : 1458 |
ISBN | : 0310411033 |
Language | : en |
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Read the Bible in real time with this Bible set in an innovative, new, chronologically-based format. This hardcover Bible aligns similar accounts of the events of the Bible, as well as presenting them in chronological order, to give you a complete, insightful view of the narrative of Scripture. Take away unique insights from each Gospel writer.'
Ultimate Bible for Girls
Author | : Nancy N. Rue |
Release | : 2019-01-08 |
Editor | : Faithgirlz |
Pages | : 1504 |
ISBN | : 0310765250 |
Language | : en |
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Packed with exciting features that help tween girls better understand themselves and Scripture, the NIV Ultimate Bible for Girls teaches girls that the Bible is real, relevant, and, best of all, that the story of God and his people is also their story. Features include: Book introductions--Read about the who, when, where, and what of each book. Dream Girl--Use your imagination to put yourself in the story. Bring It On!--Take quizzes to really get to know yourself. Is There a Little (Eve, Ruth, Isaiah) in You?--See for yourself what you have in common. Words to Live By--Check out these Bible verses that are great for memorizing. What Happens Next?--Create a list of events to tell a Bible story in your own words. Oh, I Get It!--Find answers to Bible questions you've wondered about. The complete New International Version (NIV) translation Vibrant, two-color interior Beautiful cover design with foil and glitter Features written by bestselling author and tween expert Nancy Rue
KJV Thinline Bible Giant Print Premier Goatskin Leather Premier Collection Red Letter Edition Comfort Print Holy Bible Black
Author | : Thomas Nelson |
Release | : 2020-10-13 |
Editor | : Thomas Nelson |
Pages | : 1312 |
ISBN | : 0785239340 |
Language | : en |
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The Premier Collection of Thomas Nelson's KJV Thinline Giant Print Bible showcases the highest levels of design and craftsmanship: a supple goatskin leather cover, raised spine hubs, durable edge-lined binding, premium European Bible paper, beautiful art gilded edges, three ribbon markers, and more.
Students Life Application Bible
Author | : Tyndale House Publishers |
Release | : 2003-09-22 |
Editor | : Tyndale House Pub |
Pages | : 1376 |
ISBN | : 0842385436 |
Language | : en |
Available for | : |
The Student's Life Application Bible is a one-of-a-kind Bible designed especially for youth. It is user-friendly, application-oriented, and filled with notes that help teens live out the Bible's truths in everyday life. As the official Bible for Josh McDowell's Right from Wrong campaign, The Rock helps teens ages 13-18 wrestle with difficult moral questions.
Trusted & Treasured by Millions of Readers over 30 years, the Life Application® Study Bible Is Today’s #1–Selling Study BibleNow it has been thoroughly updated and expanded, offering even more relevant insights for understanding and applying God’s Word to everyday life in today’s world.
Discover How You Can Apply the Bible to Your Life Today
With a fresh two-color interior design and meaningfully updated study notes and features, this Bible will help you understand God’s Word better than ever. It answers the real-life questions that you may have and provides you practical yet powerful ways to apply the Bible to your life every day.
Study the stories and teachings of the Bible with verse-by-verse commentary. Gain wisdom from people in the Bible by exploring their accomplishments and learning from their mistakes. Survey the big picture of each book through overviews, vital statistics, outlines, and timelines, and grasp difficult concepts using in-text maps, charts, and diagrams—all to help you do life God’s way, every day.
Features: (Enhanced, updated, and with new content added throughout)
Life Application Study Bible Ebay
- Now more than 10,000 Life Application® notes and features
- Over 100 Life Application® profiles of key Bible people
- Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible
- More than 500 maps & charts placed for quick reference
- Dictionary/concordance
- Extensive side-column cross-reference system to facilitate deeper study
- Life Application® index to notes, charts, maps, and profiles
- Refreshed design with a second color for visual clarity
- 16 pages of full-color maps
- Quality Smyth-sewn binding—durable, made for frequent use, and lays flat when open
- Presentation page
- Single-column format
- Christian Worker’s Resource, a special supplement to enhance the reader’s ministry effectiveness
- Full text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
- The words of Jesus are in red letter.