December 1999, Scientologist and key investor Doug Doring became CEO. Doring began branding Neopets at a massive scale and applying the Org Board Scientologist method to the company. The Org Board hierarchy structure is a can of worms we won’t open today. Neopets Tangor’s Workshop Guide. Tangor’s Workshop is located in Moltara, a massive underground city of magma-filled caves located deep beneath the surface of Neopia. Discovered during the events of the Atlas of the Ancients plot, Moltara offers an assortment of fire-y delights for explorers, including Tangor’s Workshop itself!
Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! The Hunt for Worms. There is a total of ten worms, each of a different color, that need to be collected in order to fully fill the lantern. These worms are found all throughout Moltara, meaning that they are located in both Moltara City and the Moltara Caves.
Tangor’s Workshop is located in Moltara, a massive underground city of magma-filled caves located deep beneath the surface of Neopia. Discovered during the events of the Atlas of the Ancients plot, Moltara offers an assortment of fire-y delights for explorers, including Tangor’s Workshop itself!
Welcome to my workshop! This is where I do all of my tinkering and such. If you happen upon anything that looks interesting, bring it to me and I’ll see what I can make of it.
Within his Workshop, Tangor can take the odds and ends of Moltara and turn them into a series of wonderful petpets for you to enjoy! When standing in the workshop, the available items that you have in your inventory are displayed in order to be clicked and turned in to Tangor for him to cobble together. Luckily, there are only four items that you need to be concerned with when it comes to Tangor: Shiny Obsidian, Miscellaneous Gears, Scrap Metal and Stone, and Red Moltite. Although visiting the workshop prompts you to trade any and every item in your inventory, (almost) all but these four can be ignored, as they do not lead to the creation of any petpets in Tangor’s Workshop. The exception to this is that Tangor will also build special combination petpets by combining the basic petpets that he makes from these four items. A list of valid item combinations is located at the end of this guide for your convenience.
Although these four items can be purchased from other users, they can also be found within the city limits of Moltara, either by visiting certain locations or completing mini-quests!
Shiny Obsidian is undoubtedly the easiest of the four items to obtain, as you can collect one per day merely by visiting the large Obsidian Quarry located in the lower left-hand corner of Moltara’s city map. It does not have a map label like the other locations, but can still be accessed by clicking the black rocks along the city’s edge.
The Miscellaneous Gears appear at random on the Moltara City map. If you do not see any on your current view of the city, refresh the page often until they appear. There are eight known spawning locations for the gears:
- Front door of Lampwyck’s Shop
- By the large bank vault
- Roof of Molten Morsels
- Roof of Town Hall
- Roof of Cog’s Togs
- Front of Town Hall
- Just under the string of red lights in the center of the map
- Between Cog’s Tog’s and Town Hall
A rough guide to Miscellaneous Gears spawning locations.
Scrap Metal and Stone is awarded by a random event occurring in Moltara City. Simply refresh the map until the event appears, and the scrap will be added to your inventory.
Neopets Worm Locations
Red Moltite is the hardest of the four items to obtain, requiring you to complete not just one, but two mini-quests in order to find it. First and foremost, you must finish the Worm Lantern quest. To begin the quest, visit Lampwyck’s Lights Fantastic. The first time you visit, and any time after that in which you visit without having an empty lantern, an event will occur:

Upon arriving, you will receive this Empty Lantern.
Once you have an Empty Lantern, you will be able to go out into Moltara City and the Moltara Caves and collect the ten Worms that loiter around these two areas. You may have seen a worm or two as you have refreshed the map looking for gears and scrap – each of the ten worms has a specific respawn point that they will always appear in – but click fast! A worm is not guaranteed to be there just because you see its picture on the map. The locations of the worms are known to change approximately every five minutes, so if they change before you have a chance to capture it, it will return an error message when you attempt to capture it.
The locations of the ten worms and their colors are as follows:
Neopets Worm Guide
Monalisa kannada mp3 songs download. Moltara City
- Red: Left of Town Hall
- Orange: Center, between orange lanterns
- Green: Roof of Cog’s Togs
- White: Entrance of Bank Vault
- Rainbow: Entrance to The Caves
Moltara Caves
- Purple: Ledge above Magma Pool
- Pink: Just below Magma Pool
- Yellow: Path above Petpetorium
- Blue: Next to Petpetorium stairs
- Black: Doorway to the right of Petpetorium sign
Rough maps of Moltara City and the Caves, with lanterns marking worm spawn locations.
With enough refreshing and enough patience, you will collect all ten worms. Once the ten worms and the empty lantern are all in your inventory, select the lantern in your inventory and select ‘Fill it with worms’ from the dropdown menu. The ten worms will be consumed and the empty lantern will become a Brightly Lit Lantern!
With this new item, you can successfully navigate the Dark Cave and explore its labyrinthine contents. Entering the cave with a lit lamp allows you to venture down a series of paths in search of Red Moltite. The correct path is dependent on the bolded sentence that greets you when you first enter the cave with a lit lantern. Each of the sentences has its own solution. For speed and ease of reference, a collection of the correct inputs follows – The bolded words are the beginning of the applicable starter sentence, and the four letters that follow are the correct combination of Left and Right turns that will get you to the Red Moltite:
At least… RLRL
Does it… RLLL
Hello? LLRR
I hope I… RLLR
I hope there’s… LRRR
I should… RRRL
I sure… RRLL
I wonder… LLLR
It’s very… LLRL
Jordie… LRLR
Let’s go… RRRR
Look at… LRRL
This lantern… RLRR
What a… LLLL
Where does… LRLL
Which way… RRLR
Collecting Red Moltite can be done once per day – after you have successfully collected a piece from the cave, your lantern’s worms will get tired and cease to glow. In order to reset your lantern for the next day, you must return it to Lampwyck’s shop when the worms get tired. Lampwyck will nurse your worms back to health for tomorrow… or will he? Upon returning, you find out that he has accidentally allowed them all to escape! He returns the empty lantern so that you may catch them all again in the wilds of Moltara, effectively resetting the quest to the beginning.
Depending on what you are interested in building at Tangor’s workshop, you should collect the necessary supplies either by purchasing them from other users or by completing the sidequests above. Once you have obtained all the parts that you need, click them one at a time to add them to the recipe. When you are finished, click the first button to turn the items into Tangor so he can build the resulting petpet. If you make a mistake, there is a handy reset button, as well!
Dal: Obsidian + Scrap |
Oop: Obsidian + Gears |
Ada: Scrap + Gears |
Val: Obsidian + Moltite |
Rav: Gears + Moltite |
Goy: Scrap + Moltite |
Gio: Obsidian + Gears + Scrap |
Albot: Obsidian + Scrap + Moltite |
Teek: Obsidian + Gears + Moltite |
Erge: Scrap + Gears + Moltite |
Nik: Obsidian + Scrap + Gears + Moltite |
Petpet Combos
Daloop: Dal + Oop |
Adagio: Ada + Gio |
Raverge = Rav + Erge |
Valteek = Val + Teek |
Goyalbotnik = Goy + Albot + Nik |
Vaggendotra 5000 = Daloop + Adagio + Raverge + Valteek + Goyalbotnik |
- Due to the highly random nature of events and item spawns required to gather the raw materials for constructing petpets at Tangor’s Workshop, it may be advisable to purchase the components cheaply through the Shop Wizard instead and get right to building!
Author: Sarah
Neopets Worm Guide
A new 'quest' is now available within Moltara ; collecting worms! Unfortunately, it is a bit more tedious than it sounds. Continue reading on for a complete guide to this quest.
The first step of this quest is to enter Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic . A 'random' event should occur instantaneously when the page is first visited. If not, refresh the page until it appears. The shopkeeper should place an Empty Lantern in the inventory, which will be used to collect the worms scattered about Moltara.
The Hunt for Worms
There is a total of ten worms, each of a different color, that need to be collected in order to fully fill the lantern. These worms are found all throughout Moltara, meaning that they are located in both Moltara City and the Moltara Caves .
Five worms are in Moltara City while the other five are in the Moltara Caves. After capturing a worm, you have to refresh the map to spot another worm. It may take multiple refreshes before a worm turns up. The worm placement used to be the same for every user. Below are the original worm placements.
Worm Location Worm LocationRed WormMoltara City
Download pro karaoke home extreme 10.0.0 full version. Near the right side of the Town Hall.
Yellow WormMoltara Caves
Right of the bridge leading to The Gilded Page.
Green WormMoltara City
On top of the Cog's Togs shop.
Blue WormMoltara Caves
Near the steps of The Petpetorium.
White WormMoltara City
Lower-left area near Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic, in front of the vault.
Pink WormMoltara Caves
In front of the Magma Pool.
Orange WormMoltara City
In the cobblestone circle in the middle of the city towards the bottom right.
Purple WormMoltara Caves
Outside the very left cave behind the Magma Pool.
Rainbow WormMoltara City
Outside the Moltara Caves entrance.
Black WormMoltara Caves
Outside the cave below The Arcanium.
Neopets Worms Moltara
It seems that the worms now appear in different places for different people. Your worms will always appear in the same position, but these positions may not be exactly the same as someone else's.
If you are unable to find all the worms, and one or two of them just haven't showed up for you for a day, you can always restart the worm quest. This is easily done by discarding your empty Lantern and your worms. You can just go back to Lampwyck's to get another lamp.
Neopets Moltara Worms
When you see a worm, be sure to click it quickly! Waiting too long to click a worm will result in it getting away, and you will receive the following message:
How strange, there's nothing here. You really thought you saw something..
The Dark Cave
After successfully capturing all ten of the worms, proceed to the inventory for the next step of this quest.
Click on the item Empty Lantern and allow the pop-up to appear. From the drop-down list, select 'Fill it with worms' and press the 'Submit' button. As a result of the worms being put inside the lantern, there should now be a Brightly Lit Lantern inside the inventory.
The next task is to head to the Dark Cave , which is located to the right of the very back end of the Moltara Caves. With a now lit lantern, the cave should be bright enough to see in.
There are two options to choose from in order to proceed further into the cave; left or right. Before clicking anywhere, write down the first four words written underneath the picture. The starting sentence can help you to unfold the path you need to follow. Please refer to the table below for a list of all possible sentences and path combinations. Special thanks to nyllyn2 who gave us the authorisation to reprint her data .
Sentence Start | Turn 1 | Turn 2 | Turn 3 | Turn 4 |
At least it's not.. | RIGHT | LEFT | RIGHT | LEFT |
Does it smell like.. | RIGHT | LEFT | LEFT | LEFT |
Hello? Is there anyone.. | LEFT | LEFT | RIGHT | RIGHT |
I hope I can.. | RIGHT | LEFT | LEFT | RIGHT |
I hope there's no.. | LEFT | RIGHT | RIGHT | RIGHT |
I should have studied.. | RIGHT | RIGHT | RIGHT | LEFT |
I sure wish Roxton.. | RIGHT | RIGHT | LEFT | LEFT |
I wonder where this.. | LEFT | LEFT | LEFT | RIGHT |
It's very hot in.. | LEFT | LEFT | RIGHT | LEFT |
Jordie would know what.. | LEFT | RIGHT | LEFT | RIGHT |
Let's go spelunking! | RIGHT | RIGHT | RIGHT | RIGHT |
Look at the shiny.. | LEFT | RIGHT | RIGHT | LEFT |
This lantern is bright.. | RIGHT | LEFT | RIGHT | RIGHT |
What a mysterious passage! | LEFT | LEFT | LEFT | LEFT |
Where does this cave.. | LEFT | RIGHT | LEFT | LEFT |
Which way should we.. | RIGHT | RIGHT | LEFT | RIGHT |
When the Red Moltite is found, click 'Take the moltite!' so it appears within the inventory. Red Moltite is a material that can be used for combination with other items at Tangor's Workshop .
End of Quest
After retrieving the Red Moltite, return to Lampwyck's Lights Fantastic for a prize to those who completed the quest for their first time. The Buzz should take away the Brightly Lit Lantern and now replace it with a Friendly Glowing Lantern, which is wearable!
This quest is able to be completed once per day, awarding players with a Red Moltite each time.
Other than the wearable lantern, the real purpose of this quest is to obtain Red Moltite. Those who are not interested in combining materials over at Tangor's Workshop may find it beneficial to only complete the quest once. Mipony pro serial.
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