Dev C Vending Machine Program

So I have this project I have to submit soon, for a program made to these specs:

  1. Dev C Vending Machine Programming
  2. Dev C Vending Machine Programram
  3. Dev C Vending Machine Program Free

Dev C Vending Machine Programming

Write a program that presents the user w/ a choice of your 5 favorite beverages (Coke, Water, Sprite., Whatever). Then allow the user to choose a beverage by entering a number 1-5. Output which beverage they chose. ★ If you program uses if statements instead of a switch statement, modify it to use a switch statement. A vending machine has a restricted input. It shouldn't take a user's money unless the user enters a valid address. Most vending machines I've used take a letter that designates the row, followed by a number that designates the column i.e. Upper left hand corner would typically be A0. The item to the right of that might be A1 or A2 etc.

1. The user display shows a start-up message welcoming the customer and invites him/her to proceed by pressing a key on the keypad.
2. On pressing a key a menu is displayed offering four choices of drinks and an option to cancel.
3. When a choice has been made the display indicates the drink chosen along with its price and an option to continue. Each of the drinks has a different price.
4. If the option chosen is not to continue the user is returned to the welcome screen. Conversely, if the user elects to continue then a question requesting the quantity required is displayed along with an indication that the maximum that can be ordered is five.
6. Subsequent messages will request the amount of money to be inserted, a list of the coins that can be inserted i.e. 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p and 100p, a total of the amount inserted as the coins are inserted and a reducing amount outstanding as the money is inserted. The money is inserted by typing its value on the keyboard. When the value of a coin entered is not allowed the user is simply returned to the display requesting payment.
7. When the value of the drinks ordered has been reached or exceeded a message indicating that the drinks are being dispensed is shown. In detail this message will name the drink and quantity ordered, indicate that the drink is being dispensed along with the quantity ordered e.g. if three drinks have been ordered then the message will show a count up from three as each of the drinks is dispensed. A suitable time will elapse as each drink is dispensed.
8. On completion of the dispensing of the drinks a 'Thank you' message will be shown.
9. When the value of money inserted exceeded that required then a message indicating the difference between the two is to be collected will also be shown on the ‘Thank you’ message.
I already made a program, but I'm having some problems with the money part of it as changes in my cost aren't showing up (all money shows up as zero) and my attempt at having only a certain type of coin available seems to be bad and doesn't quite work.
I admit my code is messy, but I'm a novice at C so I'd be grateful for any help.

We've to build one mini project on Vending Machine..
Our Guide have given us following topics to be covered in mini project -

  • Normal Vending machine program working on Deposited balance - Can do it
  • Login and Password for 5 members to store their individual spares separately
  • Permanent storage of history of purchase in a file
  • Use of some graphics and mouse

I'm beginner.. I can program everything except Login module, file saving..

Can anyone help me out?

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Dev C Vending Machine Programram

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Dev c vending machine program freeProgramram

Yes we can. Did you read the Member Rules or any of the sticky posts above?

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Welcome. Give this a read:'> . At least make some attempt at what you have set out to do. I'm confident that you have used files and strings (which is really all the login …

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WaltP2,905Posting Sage w/ dash of thyme Team Colleague

Dev C Vending Machine Program Free

Dev c vending machine programram

Yes we can. Did you read the Member Rules or any of the sticky posts above?

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