Arcgis 10 License File


  1. Arcgis Desktop 10 License File Location
  2. Arcgis 10 License File Location
  3. Arcgis 10 License Files

What are the names and locations of the installed license files for ArcGIS products?


When an ArcGIS product is licensed or registered, the original Concurrent license file (*.txt or *.efl9) or Single Use authorization file (*.esu or *.esu9) is separated into license files for each feature. The original file is no longer used, and can be moved, deleted, or archived.
This article lists the filenames and locations by version and type of license.
ArcGIS 9.x Concurrent Use or 'Floating' licenses

If the license manager has been installed to the default location, the files can be found in the following location:
C:Program FilesESRILicenseArcGIS9xFile
Core ArcGIS 9.x Products, Concurrent use, or 'Floating':

Usually data license will be added via ArcGIS Desktop Administrator / ArcGIS Configuration Manager (ArcGISAdmin.exe) - Add Data License OR double clicking the.sdlic file. Both these options will work only if ArcGIS Desktop is installed. Since ArcGIS Desktop is not installed in the Server machine, we are stuck to add this data license in Server. Download full version nancy drew games free. Use licenses with the option to purchase additional quantities of 10. Quite often, in ArcGIS 9.3.1 and prior versions, the organization would select the single use license option whereby it would receive one license file that could be used for all 31 machines in hard drive imaging.

ARCINFO9.lic = ArcInfo
Editor9.lic = ArcEditor
Viewer9.lic = ArcView
ArcGIS 9.x Extensions, Concurrent use, or 'Floating':
ArcExpress9.lic = ArcExpress
ArcPress9.lic = ArcPress

Arcgis Desktop 10 License File Location

Arcgis 10 license file downloadArcScan9.lic = ArcScan
ArcSdeConnects9.lic = SDE Connections
ArcStorm9.lic = ArcStorm
ArcStormEnable9.lic = ArcStormEnable
COGO9.lic = COGO
GeoStats9.lic = GeoStatistical Analyst
Grid9.lic = Workstation GRID and Spatial Analyst.

Arcgis 10 License File Location

Network9.lic = Workstation NETWORK and Network Analysis.
Plotting9.lic = Workstation Printing.
Publisher9.lic = Publisher
StreetMap9.lic = StreetMap USA
Survey9.lic = Survey Analyst, Survey Editor and Cadastral Editor
TIFFLZW9.lic = TiffLZW Extension
TIN9.lic = Workstation TIN and 3D Analyst
Maplex9.lic = Maplex
Tracking9.lic = Job Tracking Extension

ArcGIS 8.x Concurrent Use or 'Floating' licenses

If the license manager has been installed to the default location, the files can be found in the following location:
C:Program FilesESRILicense
Core ArcGIS 8.x Products, Concurrent use, or 'Floating':
ARCINFO.lic = ArcInfo
Editor.lic = ArcEditor
Viewer.lic = ArcView
ArcGIS 8.x Extensions, Concurrent use, or 'Floating':
ArcExpress.lic = ArcExpress
ArcMapServer.lic = ArcIMS ArcMap Server
ArcPress.lic = ArcPress
ArcScan.lic = ArcScan
ArcSdeConnects.lic = ArcSDE Connections
ArcSdeServer.lic = ArcSDE Server
ArcStorm.lic = ArcStorm
ArcStormEnable.lic = ArcStormEnable
GeoStats.lic = GeoStatistical Analyst
Grid.lic = GRID and Spatial Analyst
Network.lic = Workstation NETWORK
Plotting.lic = Workstation Print
Publisher.lic = Publisher
StreetMap.lic = StreetMap USA
TIFFLZW.lic = TiffLZW Extension
TIN.lic = Workstation TIN and 3D Analyst

Autodesk 2013 activation code. ArcGIS 8.x and 9.x Single Use licenses, ArcView, and ArcEditor:

If the software has been installed to the default location, the files can be found in the following location:
C:Program FilesESRILicenseSingleUser
ArcView and ArcEditor Single Use Products:
ViewerFX.lic = ArcView
EditorFX.lic = ArcEditor
ArcView and ArcEditor Single Use Extensions:
ArcPressFX.lic = ArcPress
GeoStatsFX.lic = GeoStatistical Analyst
GridFX.lic = Spatial Analyst
MrSIDFX.lic = MrSID Encoder
StreetMapFX.lic = StreetMap USA
SurveyFX.lic = Survey Analyst, Survey Editor and Cadastral Editor
TIFFLZWFX.lic = TiffLZW Extension
TINFX.lic = 3D Analyst
Maplex9.lic = Maplex
Tracking9.lic = Job Tracking Extension

Related Information

Last Published: 4/4/2019

Article ID: 000008119

Arcgis 10 License Files

Software: ArcMap 10

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