Auria Vs Garageband Ipad


  1. Fl Studio Vs Garageband Ipad Pro Djay le apple music video. Rather than put too much in any one screen, the folks at Image-Line have opted to make the controls much larger (something you may appreciate with a smaller device like the iPad) and split the screen up with navigation tabs.
  2. Which mobile DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is the right one for you to record music on your iPad or iPhone?⏰ Time Stamps:00:00 Intro00:53 Quick comparison0.
edited January 2013 in Support
Cubasis VS Auria what one is better?
as of now i have just been bring my BM2 project into Logic 9. but want something for the iPad, More then Multitrack or Meteor (which i have). and which one has better mixing/mastering tools?

Auria Vs Garageband Ipad 4

What is the best ipad for garageband


Auria Vs Garageband Ipad Pro

Auria Pro by WaveMachine Labs (makers of the well established Drumagog plugin) was released at the end of 2015 and brings a desktop class DAW to iOS. The original Auria was already powerful by mobile standards, but the latest version raises the bar in terms of features and performance and brings a full feature set to the iPad. Recording apps into GarageBand for iOS and then importing projects to your computer is a simple and effective way to get the most from your iPad, GarageBand, and Logic Pro X. Logic Pro X vs GarageBand: Flex Time in GarageBand Flex Pitch gives you a huge amount of control over vocal takes and live instruments, which can be practically redesigned.

Auria Vs Garageband Ipad Comparison

  • edited 5:32AM
    From what I've read Cubasis is closer to what Beatmaker already does. I don't own it though (becuase it's outrageously expensive if that's true), so I have to be honest and say I really don't know. I could be completely wrong there. I DO own Auria, though, and I can tell you it's amazing. It has it's growing pains at times with various bugs, but the developers are amazing. They're very active in their forums and they push out updates frequently to address issues and add new plugins. I haven't come across anything remotely close to what I can get out of Auria on iOS in another app. Be warned though, the plugins can get expensive as well. They're worth it imo, but it can get pricey if you start buying everything they offer.
  • edited 5:32AM
    I don't own either, but if I was going to buy one, I'd go for Auria. It looks more robust and the PSP Audio channel strip and master strip are top notch. Not to mention the in-app purchase plugins like Pro-Q and Vintage Warmer.
  • edited 5:32AM
    My main reason in iOS production was sparked by Avid's ludicrous upgrade pricing to protools 10- I am still on 8.0.5- the last version I plan on using.
    That said, I bought Auria right when it came out, and although I still much prefer editing in protools, I love everything else about Auria. The mix buss sounds great, and for those that want virtual instruments they are coming...
    Cubasis seems like a stripped down version of cubase (which I also used back in the day), and their decision to go 16 bit will hurt them in the 'pro' market.
  • edited 5:32AM
    Thank you for the feedback guys! I think i'm going to try out Auria.
  • edited 5:32AM
    From what I've heard around the net, Cubasis doesn't even have automation. That pretty much takes it out of the equation completely for pro music production. Not to mention that its effects also supposedly suck.
  • edited 5:32AM
    The effects in cubasis are a joke
    Its super high for what it is.
    Garageband instruments sound way superior
    Auria imho sounds better than most daw systems. Auria has fabfilter plugs which are badass...shows over Auria is superior by leaps and bounds. My complaint is Auria is pushing ios pretty as things get kinda heavy on ipad2 zooming gets real slowwwwww...i have heard ipad 4 makes a big difference here. Havent tried myself though...but will soon
  • edited 5:32AM
    auria is bound to get more updates as it's developed by a company who only makes iOS apps where as cubasis is developed by guys who make desktop software too,
    (look at image line and fl studio mobile...)
    plus it's got all those IAP plugins, and audiobus on the way...
  • edited 5:32AM
    I love auria and can't wait until they throw midi and audiobus in.The IAP selection is growing fast and is very tempting.A lot of awesome plugins right now.The Pro EQ is my most favorite DAW Eq for years and i was more then happy to see it in auria.And its a pleasure to use it on the touchscreen,better than using a mouse (at least for me).But micgee is right.Aurias edit screen is too sluggish,doesnt matter how big the project is.Although its still possible to drive bigger projects with a lot of channelstrips active (on an ipad 2).But the IAP's are very cpu hungry.And i can imagine that audiobus in auria can eat up the cpu in a second or maybe even impossible to use.So i made the decision now to get myself an ipad 4 this week.
    I was kinda excited when cubasis arrived but after i read the whole manual i'm disappointed.I love the look and i can imagine that its a lot of fun to work with it if the edit window is smooth.But a lot of common features missing.The FX. are a bad joke (2-band eq?Seriously?),no automation,only 16bit,very cheap sounding instruments and it crashes more often than the competitors.Currently not worth 50$,simple as that.
    But these are all points the steinberg developer know and want to improve over the time (regarding to their forum posts)I'll keep an eye on it.But who knows where auria is when steinberg delivered all the promissed things?And what will apple do now?A logic lite on iPad would be awesome.Thats the reason why i still hold on and not buying more auria IAP.
    But i guess i'll stick with auria anyway,they have just an amazing support (probably the best i've ever seen)and can concentrate only on their'little baby'.They just deserve it to support them <!-- s:) --><img src='{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif' alt=':)' /><!-- s:) -->
  • edited 5:32AM
    I mostly use Logic pro as my main recorder at the moment...moving to ipad and auria totally soon...
    I'm not excited about apple and the ipad offering they provide musically, garageband is a closed adopts no technologies at all which is lame imho. Logic on ipad is too little too late...auria honestly sounds better than logic pro to my logic has a real issue when it comes to the final render...logic playbck from actual file versus the actual mixdown file is like day and is impossible to predict what the final render is going to sound is not a what ou hear is what you get thing like protools...auria is dead on here as well. Logic is highly far as the audio render goes...which is the most important thing in my opinion...logic pro is a great place to build songs...terrible place to finalize this process.
  • edited 5:32AM
    Just got an email announcing Auria LE...
    Most likely because as Auria progresses into the realm of midi,VI's, and audiobus,
    LE will probably be the only version that will run on pre-iPad 4...
    Smart move on their part I think.
  • edited 5:32AM
    I was interested to know if you were right about Auria LE so I posted a question over on their forum asking specifically about this. Their response was this;
    'Auria LE is Auria with less features, and lower maximum track count. It uses exactly the same codebase, so everything will feel and work the same way.'
    I've never experienced customer service on the level that I consistently get out of the team at WaveMachineLabs (Rim especially). They're the best. That being said, it doesn't sound like the overhead is going to be lower for Auria LE. Maybe I'm reading that wrong.
  • edited 5:32AM
    Three big ones concerning overhead- 44.1 khz only, track count (24 in LE) and no 64bit mix buss.
    It's still a great deal if you haven't already purchased Auria.
  • edited 5:32AM
    Dam LE should i just get that or the full aura now. All i really want to something to mix/master my BM songs on the iPad!
  • edited 5:32AM
    logic playbck from actual file versus the actual mixdown file is like day and is impossible to predict what the final render is going to sound like...

  • edited 5:32AM
    I bought the full version and I'm not disappointed in the least. I've also got the Pro Q plugin and a few others. It's every bit as good as you've read. The Pro Q is available to the LE version as well (as well as all the other IAP plugins from what the developers say). It's just up to you if the features listed here for the full version are valuable to you or not.
    Comparison here:
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