Convert To Meid

You want to apply SHA-1 to the number representing the MEID, not the string representing the MEID. You'll need to process it byte-by-byte, so you must give it two hex numbers at a time (since two hex numbers make a byte) and make sure they are interpreted as numbers and not ASCII characters. Examples: Given MEID 0xA329, make a pESN. Convert MEID (HEX) to MEID (DEC) My problem is my code does not convert it correctly. Can anyone advise to what is the issue or in theory how these conversion work? Lvhex(4) TYPE x. Lvinput = ivhexvalue(8). Lvdec1 = evexport. CONDENSE lvdec1. Lvinput = ivhexvalue+8(8). Enter any ESN (Electronic Serial Number) or MEID (Mobile Equipment Identifier) and we will convert it to every format possible. This includes psuedo ESNs (pESN), ESNs, and MEID numbers in both decimal and hexadecimal. We also provide the MetroPCS SPC number.

Convert ESN/IMEI/MEIDs between Hex and Decimal notation and save them for later

Convert Hex Meid To Decimal

mobileID info is a simple app designed to do one thing well. It allows you to quickly and efficiently convert ESN/IMEI/MEIDs between decimal and hex notation. If you've ever worked with a large number of cell phones or other cellular devices, you know how handy this functionality can be. Version 2.0 lets you save the conversions and notes for re-use later.
  • Supports ESNs, IMEIs, and MEIDs
  • Hex keyboard for quick data input
  • Speech recognition & text to speech playback for easier entry of long numbers!
  • Use the phone's camera to read QR codes and barcodes as input!
  • Save conversions and notes for later, easily search previous conversions
  • Import and Export IDs and notes in csv format
  • Use 'mobileID://' to pass items to convert from other programs or emails
Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch. Requires iPhone OS 7.0 or later. Optimized for 4' screens.


mobileID info was designed to help developers and testers of cellular equipment to easily convert phone identifiers between hex and decimal. If you've ever had a report from a tester with the ID in the wrong format, you know how helpful this can be.

Version 2 allows you to save your conversions, add notes, and easily import and export values to share with your team members or to save for later.


Version 2.0

Coming soon...
  • NEWSave conversions and notes for future reference
  • NEWSearch saved items
  • NEWScan QR codes and barcodes for input
  • NEWImport / export single IDs or all IDs
  • NEWUse 'mobileID://' to transfer numbers from other programs or emails
  • NEWAuto-help on first launch

Version 1.0

Convert To Media File

Released on November 3, 2013
  • Initial Release

Import / Export

  • Import saved values from csv files
  • Export individual values or all values to csv files via email
  • Pass number in to modileID info using the 'mobileID://' URL type in iOS


Convert To Meid

Contact Us


mobileID info is a simple app, but if you have questions, comments or suggestions for new features, let us know!


How do I do speech entry?
  1. Press the speak button
  2. Wait for the 'Speak now' prompt
  3. Say the number and letters you want, such as 'one three alpha nine'
  4. Pause when you want to see the current status
  5. Continue entering more digits this way
  6. When you are done, pause to let it recognize the last value, then say 'stop' or 'complete'
These programs are for both 32 bit Windows and Windows Mobile 5 and 6.x smartphones. It also converts standard ESN formats from Dec to Hex and vica-versa.
I also threw in the ESN checksum calcultor too.
More for Reference:
How to do ESN conversions with a simple hexadecimal calculator. This is very easy!
Contrary to urban myth, you can convert an ESN from hex to decimal or from decimal to hex easily with a standard programmer's calculator that hex and decimal format inputs. It is pretty simple in reality. Here's how:
First -
All ESNs in hex are exactly 8 characters with 0-9 & A-F only being valid.
All ESNs in dec are exactly 11 digits with only 0-9 being valid.
The conversion is simple hex to dec or dec to hex except that it is done in 2 separate groups rather than one. It works according to this format:
HEX - ccnnnnnn
DEC - cccnnnnnnnn
c = company assignment ID
n = aerial number
The first conversion is using the first 2 hex characters or 3 dec numbers.
Just take the first 2 hex characters and convert them to dec.
If the dec number is under 100 you must add a leading zero.
The dec part here is always 3 digits no matter what!
This portion of the ESN is referred to as the company ID assignment.
(for example: a hex ESN beginning with 27 is equal to 39 but must be displayed as 039. 039 will be the first 3 digits of the ESN in dec.)
The second part of the conversion uses the last 6 hex characters or 8 dec numbers.
Take the 6 hex characters and convert them to dec.
If this dec number is less than 8 digits, add enough leading zeroes so the dec is displayed with exactly 8 digits always!
(for example: a hex ESN ending with the 6 characters of 109AFF, would be equal to 1088255 in dec.
As this is only 7 digits, you add 1 leading zero to have exactly 8 digits. - 01088255
Now if you take these two parts of the ESN in hex in this way (27 & 109AFF) and want to get it's equivalent dec ESN, you would find it looks like this (039 & 0108255).
So the hex ESN of 27109AFF equals the dec ESN of 0390108255 and visa-versa.
The first 3 digits of a dec ESN can never be more than 255 (FF in hex).
THe last 8 digits of a dec ESN can never be more than 16777215 (FFFFFF in hex).
Written by drkcobra.
(April 27, 2008)

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